Technical Training for Matarbari Thermal Power Plant Construction Project in Bangladesh

  1. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  2. Climate Action

In November 2023, engineers from our client in the Matarbari Thermal Power Plant Construction Project in Bangladesh, Coal Power Generation Company Bangladesh Limited (CPGCBL), came to Japan as part of their technical training. Our own thermal power headquarters and the overseas BU gave lectures during this two day period, and the visitors listened carefully to learn our advanced construction and civil engineering techniques.

Training scene
Training scene

While Bangladesh is a developing nation, the young engineers who directly feel the development of their own country engaged eagerly in the training, which was substantial and fruitful, with many questions asked and lively discussions.

Members engaging in lively discussion
Members engaging in lively discussion

We are going to continue to support Bangladesh as it continues to develop with initiatives such as our electric power master plan.

Engineers who participated in training
Engineers who participated in training

We are going to continue to seize fruitful opportunities like this one, and each and every one of our employees is going to continue to actively work towards the creation of a carbon-free society, which is one of the SDG goals.