Delivered Lectures at International Contributions Seminar for Students from Ukraine (Japan University of Economics)


● The International Contributions Seminar for Students from Ukraine was held at the Fukuoka Campus of the Japan University of Economics in December 2023. Approximately 20 students from Ukraine, personnel from the Office of Support for Ukraine of the JICA, and personnel from the Overseas Business Unit and Personnel Department of our company participated in the seminar.

●Our company delivered lectures about our overseas business approaches that included the JICA Projects of Urgent Restoration and Reconstruction Support for Ukraine, which we have participated in as a power consultant, presented how overseas employees have worked actively in our company, and gave some tips on job hunting in the consulting service industry in Japan.

●The students from Ukraine who participated in the seminar made the decisions to leave Ukraine, their devastated war-torn home country, to study in Japan. We felt their strong motivation to contribute to the reconstruction of their home country through their work.

About 20 students from Ukraine participated in the seminar.

●The students from Ukraine were greatly interested in our development consulting business. We received a lot of positive comments regarding our approaches, especially the Projects of Restoration and Reconstruction Support for Ukraine: “My impression of the development consulting business totally changed.” “I learned about the activities of the Restoration Projects in Ukraine, which was very inspirational.”

Mr. Ueyama from the Personnel Department and Ms. Akiyama from the Overseas BU of our company answering questions from the students from Ukraine.

●We hope that the students from Ukraine gained some knowledge about our overseas business approaches and the variety of other kinds of activities through the seminar, and hope that the knowledge that they acquired will help them find jobs; we hope they find success in the world in the near future.

●Perceiving the seminars as fruitful opportunities, we will actively engage in the promotion of our different kinds of overseas activities as well as the diversification of our employees.