Establishment of the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Structure

  1. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  2. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  3. Climate Action

Preparing for large-scale natural disasters, including earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and heavy rains, we established the business continuity plan (BCP) with the intention of maintaining the continuity and the prompt re-establishment of business in the event of a disaster. Thus, we periodically provide the appropriate educational programs and training courses that prepare all employees to respond in the event of an accident or a disaster that impacts the company.

An image of an online training
The BCP online training and courses are provided annually on the BCP Web portal to share information online.

Employees carry the BCP cards with them to maintain an awareness of the actions to take and tasks to be done in an emergency. We strive to maintain the safety of all employees and the trustful relationships with our customers.

We will secure employee safety and continue our business, as well as aim to be a better company and create a better society by respecting each other across sections, departments, and positions.