Towards a Better Society through Cutting-edge Technology
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. These are international goals that aim for a sustainable and better world by 2030, and comprise 17 goals with 169 targets, and they promise to leave no one behind. The SDGs are universal and are to be tackled at the global level regardless of whether a country is developing or developed, and Japan too is proactively working toward their achievement.
TEPSCO describes its mission as “Engineering for The NEXT,” meaning “to bring together our cutting-edge technology and comprehensive capabilities, and proactively innovate for tomorrow towards a safe, secure and sustainable society,” and shall continue to strive tirelessly to make proactive contributions through all business activities toward the achievement of the global targets that are the SDGs and to make a better society a reality.
TEPSCO SDG Initiatives
Bringing Abundance to Society with Advanced Energy-related Technology
With the advanced specialist technology and comprehensive capabilities concerning electrical power that TEPSCO has built up as a member of the TEPCO Group, TEPSCO provides high-quality services for core energy activities, infrastructure activities, and overseas ODA and private activities.
Encouraging the use of renewable energy in developing countries
37 overseas sites, including Mongolia -
Introducing the latest high-efficiency gas combined cycle power plants to developing countries
Republic of Mozambique -
Encouraging economic growth in Africa by increasing renewable energy capacity
Republic of Malawi -
Electrical power system stabilizing project aimed at expanding renewable energy in Mongolia
Mongolia -
The world’s largest underground space - Contribution to the Hyper-Kamiokande -
Japan -
Establishment of the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Structure
Steadily Working to Tackle Global Warming
We are engaged in steadily proceeding initiatives to tackle global warming through our wide-ranging proposals for the efficient utilization of energy.
Contributing to a carbon neutral society through owner’s engineering services in biomass power generation
Japan -
The Lao People’s Democratic Republic Project for Integrated Energy Master Plan toward a Sustainable Carbon Neutral Society
Lao People's Democratic Republic -
Technical Training for Matarbari Thermal Power Plant Construction Project in Bangladesh
For a Better Workplace Environment, and a Better Society
With the life of each individual employee above all else, TEPSCO is working to reform working styles and to build an environment that enables women to fulfill their potential, and in the belief that this will lead to a better society we are undertaking a wide range of initiatives.
“Initiatives toward carbon neutrality by 2050” Participating in the 2023 Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation Convention
Japan -
Working towards a work environment that cultivates active role engagement for our employees
Japan -
Delivered lectures at International Contributions Seminar for Students from Ukraine (Japan University of Economics)
Ukraine -
Held company-wide event titled the “Convention for All Employees (Zenintaikai)” under the theme of “co-creation.”
Overseas sites: 90
employees at 30 sites
(as of June 1, 2022)